Why now?
One of the most visible measures taken in the Covid era has been masking. Despite the glaring lack of evidence, face coverings were mandated throughout society. They became badges of compliance, a symbolic expression of perceived virtue that served to amplify a climate of fear. More than that, masking functioned as an undeniable physical expression of propaganda.
That the science used to justify masking is weak and rooted in fallacies didn’t matter. All that mattered was compliance. In many ways, masking was, and remains, a practice of nearly cult-like belief, more akin to a magical talisman for warding off disease, than a medically justified protocol.
So why create Information Sheets addressing masks at this point, now?
The reason is simple and straightforward: the masking myth remains, and the threat of a future mandate persists. Even now, it is being trumpeted as a measure which may be necessary to protect the public from viruses and respiratory disease and making is returning in some localities.
Masks are a pivotal aspect of the pandemic theater that should not be repeated.
This pair of Information Sheets bring together, concisely, the scientific realities, pointed critique, the studies that demonstrate the fallacies, evidence (or lack thereof), and the harms of masking, all in plain language. Anyone who wants to delve deeper can—key links to significant references are all there.
By sharing accurate, digestible information, perhaps we can help to dismantle the myth of masking before it is forced on the public again.
So download this pair of sheets. Print them. Take them with you. Take them shopping, take them to the gym, take them to a party or dinner. Start conversations with them.
Share them with people that still mask.
Share them with people who ask you to mask.
Share them with your family and friends.
Share them with strangers.
Share them with your local officials, school administrators, and neighborhood boards.
Use them to become familiar with reasoned talking points and facts to advocate for the truth about masks.
If Johnny Appleseed had lived through the last several years, maybe he’d plant Information Sheets!