The Herbalist Perspective - An Herbal Journey Through the Systems
Instructor: Sara Woods Kender
This class meets live Wed 3pm ET - FIRST CLASS JUNE 5, Watch for email prior to June 5.
This course teaches you how to think about the human body like an herbalist.
Digestive Health & Harmony - Food Allergies & Gut Dysbiosis
This lecture will focus on digestive health and ways you can keep your gut healthy without harsh interventions like antibiotics for issues like SIBO, C-diff, and IBD. I’ll explain basic issues I see in my practice daily, the reasons/triggers behind these issues like vaccinations, over-use of antibiotics, poor diet, and glyphosate exposure, and how you can heal and find digestive balance using traditional approaches and diet.
The Heart & Circulatory System
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. This lecture focuses on the energetics of the heart as well as the physical aspects of heart issues, touching on cholesterol myths, hypertension, a heart-healthy diet, and herbal interventions that support this system and reduce dependency on medications. We will discuss prevalent issues we are seeing presently including POTS, blood clotting issues, and myocarditis.
Immune System In Balance
This lecture focuses on natural and traditional interventions for supporting the immune system, with a focus on colds and flu season and general ways to stay healthy using plants and medicinal mushrooms I use with success in my practice. I’ll also discuss what I do for my family and clients, my experience with vaccinations, and a list of interventions I suggest for COVID-19. A portion of the lecture will focus on natural interventions for PANS/PANDAS.
Endocrine (3 separate weeks)
PMS, Menopause & Women’s Reproductive Health
PCOS & Fertility
In this three-part lecture series, I’ll discuss the herbal interventions typically employed during these transition times for women AND men. The lectures will revolve around supporting this system and addressing general imbalances like PMS, menopause, estrogen dominance, natural forms of birth control, and supporting men’s endocrine imbalances that are typically not a topic of conversation. Yes, men go through The Change too! I’ll also touch on prostate health and in general, herbs I use for men’s health.
Nervous System (3 separate weeks)
Insomnia Nightmares - Non-Addictive Approaches to Sleep Issues
Addressing Anxiety & Depression
Natural Approaches to Pain & Inflammation
Insomnia is one of the biggest issues I am presented with in my practice daily and because the use of harsh Pharma drugs can be habit-forming and detrimental to the body over the long-term especially, this three-part series I will talk about herbal interventions that are a must for those suffering from lack of sleep, tools for coping with anxiety and depression and in general, the root causes for each. These lectures will also talk about stress and its relationship to a nervous system out-of-wack, how to address stress management, and lastly, how to take the edge off pain and inflammation.
Respiratory System - Asthma, COPD, Bronchitis & other Lung Issues
Herbs for lung health are plentiful in nature, and many grow right in your own yard. I'll discuss formulations I have used with success for many types of lung issues; how they work in the body, and which plants work best for certain ailments. I’ll also discuss upper respiratory infections and effective natural interventions for asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis, and coughs that come with viral infections like COVID and the flu.
Lyme Dis-ease - A Wholistic Perspective
Endemic in my home state of NH, I’ll discuss my journey with Lyme disease as well as many of my client’s journeys, and which plants and mushrooms come in to support the body and kill off the pathogen. Many choose the conventional approach to Lyme disease, and in my experience, antibiotics offer diminishing returns. Lyme can be chronic, and understanding the disease, as well as how to maintain balance and health with Lyme, is crucial to using natural approaches that are accessible and won’t leave your body weaker. The lecture will touch upon the systems involved with Lyme disease and the interventions used to: help with sleep and other endocrine issues, gut problems, tremors and other neuro symptoms (brain inflammation, anxiety), heart health and support, and supporting the liver and kidneys.
Plant Extracts - Addressing Solubility and Phytochemistry
Plants and mushrooms contain chemicals, also called primary and secondary metabolites, that can be extracted from the plant or mushroom for our use to bring balance to the body. There are different approaches to extraction methods. In this lecture, I will focus on water, alcohol, and vinegar extraction methods and how to make effective home remedies using the plants and mushrooms that potentially grow all around you.
All Things Topical - Salves, Lotions, & Creams
Your skin is the largest organ of your body and what you put on your skin goes into your body through the lymphatic system and eventually into the blood for the liver to detoxify. Lotions and salves are one of my favorite things to make and it’s one way to reduce your exposure to toxins. Infusing oils in plant material and then making effective remedies for skin ailments, pain and inflammation, and even poison ivy are a must for the home herbalist. It’s easy, it’s fun, and you will save a bundle plus you can leave out the preservatives and other harsh ingredients.
Herbal Decoctions and Syrup Making
Herbal decoctions, like tea, alcohol extracts, and vinegar extracts, are a great way for you to ingest your formulations in a slightly sweet and concentrated way. There are so many ways to make herbal remedies! I’ll show you how to make basic syrups and give you some recipes to start. These concoctions last for over a year in the pantry and are typically well-suited for children as well as adults. They tend to be easier to take for some and can offer effective and fast relief.
Essential Oils 101
Essential oils are getting a lot of use lately due to a few multi-level marketing companies touting their use internally for all sorts of ailments. As a practicing herbalist for over 15 years, the trend is a bit scary for me. I’ll talk to you about why that is, and how to use essential oils properly, sustainably, and mindfully. We will go over the dangers as well as the effective uses and I’ll share some of my favorites and how I use them in my practice.