Herbology and Human Health
IPAK-EDU / Gaeta Institute Herbal Course
This course starts 9/2024
Day of Week TBD
Each class meeting lasts about 1 hr, and as always, videos of all presentations will be made available.
Instructors: Gaeta/Kendra/Brown/Kikel
Course Description
This course, jointly offered by the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge and the Gaeta Institute for Wholistic Health Education, is designed to give health professionals and the health-conscious public reliable, practical training in the use of botanical medicine to improve and maintain health. Both traditional herbal practice and modern research will inform the topics covered in the course. Classes are taught by a range of expert clinical herbalists, published authors and researchers, and herbal scientists. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions during the live classes, and receive research studies or abstracts of research relevant to that topic. The course provides a foundational understanding of herbal medicine, and specific application of phytotherapy for specific health challenges.
15-Week Curriculum
Michael will host each class and may add something on that topic.
Class Time: Wednesdays, 11am Pacific / 12pm Mountain / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern
Week One
Topics: Course Overview. Herbalism: History, Overview of World Systems, Phytochemistry
Instructor: Michael Gaeta,Sara Woods Kender, Dale Brown
Week Two
Topics: Home Herbalism Part One: Identifying, Collecting, Growing, Drying & Storing Medicinal Plants
Instructor: Sara Woods Kender
Plant medicine is all around us, no matter where we live. This class is about basic identification skills, notes on collecting sustainably or growing your own medicine as well as drying and storing for use later. Being a part of making your own medicine is as rewarding as it is healing to your body, mind, and soul.
Week Three
Topic: Cardiovascular System
Instructor: Michael Gaeta
In this class you will learn the contributors to cardiovascular disease, the disease process, and specific botanical support to promote cardiovascular health.
Week Four
Topics: Pain & Inflammation
Instructor: Jonathan Evans
Week Five
Topics: Stress, Anxiety & Insomnia
Instructor: Jonathan Evans
Week Six
Topics: Mental Clarity; Longevity
Instructor: Dale Brown
“A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but a wonderful thing to invest in.” The iconic slogan of the United Negro College Fund. This world is destroying the minds of both children and adults. Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Dementia, and many more neurological “brain conditions” are plaguing almost all westernized societies. What can we do about it? How can we lower our risk? How can we use plant medicines to help our friends and family?
Week Seven
Topics: Digestion, Intestinal Disorders, including indigestion, nausea & IBS; Appetite Suppression
Instructor: Charlotte Kikel
"All disease starts in the gut." -Hippocrates There are nine times as many messages coming from the gut to the brain than there are from the brain to the gut. So who's really in charge? Millions of people suffer from chronic acid reflux, gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, but they don't have to. In this webinar, we will explore what is now known as the second brain and what you can do to empower your digestive fire with healing plants.
Week Eight
Topics: Enhancing Immunity; Cold, Flu, COVID-19 & Immunity Biosimilars
Instructor: Dale Brown
The immune system is the key system that protects us from “invaders.” Whether it be viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal, etc. as well as toxins. How can we support our bodies with herbals so when the day comes that we have to face that “horrible virus” or whatever it may be, we can weather that storm with ease and confidence.
Week Nine
Topics: Metabolic Syndrome & Diabetes
Instructor: Sara Kender Woods
Millions of people suffer from blood sugar control issues. In this class I will discuss the types of diabetes as well as how an individual can use herbs, diet, and lifestyle changes to control blood sugar and reduce dependency on pharmaceuticals for management.
Week Ten
Topics: Allergies, Asthma, COPD
Instructor: Charlotte Kikel
"Environmental allergies are the froth on the sea of food allergies." -Paul Bergner All the drug commercials on television make it look like pollen is out to get us, but it's not about the pollen, it's about you! Allergies are the story of our broken relationship with our bodies and environment, but there is hope. We can use herbs to quiet the mast cells that produce histamine, to open up the respiratory tract, to modulate mucus production and much more. This week’s class is about building your natural medicine cabinet and enjoying the outdoors again.
Week Eleven
Topic: Autoimmune Conditions
Instructor: Dale Brown
The prevalence of diagnosed, not counting the likely thousands of people who go undiagnosed, autoimmune conditions in the US was 7% in 2019. This condition favors women, but why? Can herbs and medicinal mushrooms be harnessed to help those suffering with autoimmunity? Can herbs be dangerous for those with autoimmune conditions and if so, which would be best to avoid in some cases?
Week Twelve
Topics: Home Herbalism Part Two: Tinctures, Salves & Poultices, Essential Oils, Medicinal Biosimilars in the Kitchen
Instructor: Charlotte Kikel
"Fresh herbs really belong anywhere you put them." -Alex Guarnaschelli
You've learned about a number of herbs in this course, but now what do you do with them? This webinar is where the rubber meets the road. Here we will explore the practical side of herbal medicine and how best to administer it in your kitchen. Using herbal medicine with children will receive special attention. It's time to put on our creative hats and have some fun!
Week Thirteen
Topic: Cancer
Instructor: Dale Brown
Cancer is a devastating condition. Few other conditions strike fear in the hearts of those who are diagnosed with it. I believe that plant “medicines” should always be utilized when developing a treatment strategy to help people combat cancer. Whether an individual chooses conventional treatments or natural strategies, herbs can help support our bodies' natural defenses against cancer and reduce the toxic detrimental effects of radiation or chemo.
Week Fourteen
Topic: Medicinal Mushrooms
Instructor: Sara Woods Kender and Dale Brown
Immune health is an important aspect of being in balance and medicinal mushrooms can provide that balance and support.In this discussion I will show you some common mushrooms that grow right here in the US, the habitat they grow in, how to harvest and make medicine with them.I’ll also talk about the wonderful benefits mushrooms possess for every day use as well as for acute situations. Mushrooms are food and they are medicine and an essential part of staying healthy.
Week Fifteen
Topic: Herb/Drug, Herb/Herb Interactions
Instructor: James Lyons-Weiler
Mindful of safety, the chance interaction between herbals, medicinal plants and drugs can be a concern.While not comprehensive, this lecture will outline some of the better-known risks of interactions and point to some major guideposts on herb/drug and herb/herb interactions.
Recommended Texts
Principles & Practice of Phytotherapy. Kerry Bone & Simon Mills
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety. Kerry Bone, Simon Mills
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: 550 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments. Andrew Chevallier
Functional Herbal Therapy by Kerry Bone
The Wild Medicine Solution by Guido Mase
The Essential Book of Herbal Medicine by Simon Mills
Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals Volume 1-5 by JillStansbury
Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism by Donald Yance
Herbal Constituents by Lisa Ganora
Medical Herbalism by David Hoffman
Botany in a Day by Thomas J. Elpel
Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide by Lawrence Newcomb
The Fungal Pharmacy by Robert Rogers
Our Faculty
Dr. Michael Gaeta
Dr Michael Gaeta’s purpose is to co-create a world of vital, resilient people who choose a lifestyle of “nature first, drugs last.” To accomplish this, he treats patients with Chinese and functional medicine, and helps natural health professionals improve their patient care and practice success.
Michael holds licenses in acupuncture, dietetics-nutrition, and massage therapy. He is also an herbalist and a doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Over the last 28 years, he has trained over 18,000 practitioners. His teaching is informed by 31 years of successful clinical practice. He co-founded Acupuncture for Veterans, which provided free treatments in New York City. Michael is past president of the Acupuncture Society of New York, earning awards for State Association and State Association President of the Year. He appeared on the CBS Early Show and NBC News, and his wellness podcast attracted over 100,000 subscribers. Michael is also a pianist, which was his first career.
Dr Gaeta teaches a natural functional medicine certification program and several online CEU courses in clinical and business success. Dr Gaeta is also active in promoting health choice and informed consent. More at michaelgaeta.com.
Sara Woods Kender is a clinical herbalist with 15 years’ experience as an herbal practitioner.She owns and operates a full-service herbal apothecary in Meredith, NH called Sacred Tree Herbals in which helping people find balance in her community is an integral part of her life's work. She lives on a 40-acre parcel of land she owns with her husband, two daughters, two Rhodesian Ridgebacks and a bunch of chickens.They live on an off-grid home homestead which provides the independence and connections needed to live as natural a life as possible.
Charlotte Kikel’s rare combination of personal experience, formal education, and commitment to practicing what she teaches makes her an inspiring practitioner and educator. Charlotte is a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist and in April 2008, she obtained a Master’s of Science from the Maryland University of Integrative Health (formerly the Tai Sophia Institute) located in Laurel, Maryland. She is currently pursuing a certification as an Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist from The Building Biology Institute. Charlotte is also the author of Eat in Peace to Live in Peace: Your Handbook for Vitality. She resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her husband and son where she homeschools, goes on long walks, and cooks delicious meals.
Dr. Dale has been serving his community as a chiropractor for 12 years, he is a holistic health coach/advocate and he's very passionate about healing our bodies in an innate manner. He also loves truth and exposing the deception that is sweeping our nation in the form of Pharma. Dr. Dale has utilized phytotherapy/herbalism to support the body's natural healing capability withthousands of patients and clients over the years.