Help Us Build the Aluminum App!
We have three peer-reviewed publications showing 1) the FDA never published a pediatric dose limit for aluminum in vaccines; 2) that in the first year of life, children on the CDC vaccine schedule spend 100% of their days in whole-body aluminum toxicity; 3) that using non-aluminum options reduces whole-body toxicity; 4) that spacing aluminum-containing vaccines reduces whole-body toxicity; 5) that Dr. Paul Thomas’ Vaccine Friendly Plan reduces the % of days in aluminum toxicity in the first year of life to <5% of days!
These remarkable research studies were truly well-received by the anonymous peer reviewers.
We have FINALLY found a professional software development team willing to develop an app that will allow parents to plug in the doctor’s recommended next well-child visit vaccines and determine, for an individual child, the statistic %AlumTox under the CDC’s recommended schedule, and any alternative schedule they would like to simulate.
The App will provide %AlumTox for specified time periods for the alternative schedules.
I’m investing $9,000 of IPAK-EDU’s hard-earned funding in this venture, and I think it’s a good idea to ask if people want to help kickstart this with a gift to IPAK-EDU.
People who pitch in will be able to test-drive the app at no cost.
Imagine the conversations that will take place between well-informed parents and their doctors - all backed by peer-reviewed studies conducted by IPAK!
Lyons-Weiler, J, G McFarland, E La Joie. 2020. Impact of catch-up vaccination on aluminum exposure due to new laws and post social distancing. J Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 62:126649. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126649.
McFarland, G, E La Joie, P Thomas and J Lyons-Weiler. 2020. Acute Exposure and Chronic Retention of Aluminum in Three Vaccine Schedules and Effects of Genetic and Environmental Variation. J Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 58:126444.
Lyons-Weiler, J and R. Ricketson. 2018. Reconsideration of the Immunotherapeutic Pediatric Safe Dose Levels of Aluminum. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 48:67-73.