Controversies in Neurological Conditions and Diseases
Instructor: Dr. Christopher Shaw
Syllabus (Subject to Change)
Time: Saturdays, 10AM ET
Start date: September 2
Instructor: Dr. Chris Shaw
In this class, the instructor will present the history and current status of studies addressing controversial issues in neurologic conditions and disease. At the core of the course and woven throughout will be a review of the standard principles of the practice of biomedical research.
Recommended but not required prerequisites: How to Read & Interpret a Scientific Study
Recommended books and reading material will be mentioned throughout the course.
1. Introduction to the main age-dependent neurological disorders, what we know, what we don't
2. The Scientific Method and how to evaluate journal articles 1
3. The Scientific Method and how to evaluate journal articles 2
4. Model systems...what they are and aren't good for 1
5. Model systems...what they are and aren't good for 2
6. The weight of the pharmaceutical industry on neurodegenerative disease research.
7. History and status of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
8. History and status of Parkinson’s Disease
9. History and status of Alzheimer’s Disease
10. Autism Spectrum Disorder 1
11. Autism Spectrum Disorder 2
12. Causality, coincidence, “co-morbidity” and compensatory processes in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.
13. Student presentations with critiques. (Guest Speaker #1 – Autism)
14. Student presentations with critiques. (Guest Speaker #2 – Alzheimer’s)?
15. Conclusions and directions forward.